As some of you may know, this site in the newest incarnation of what has been a long, long run of blogs over the years. Livejournal, Wordpress, Blogger, I've done 'em all! Before this blog was my Wordpress site and I haven't had the heart to shut it down because some of my posts still generate traffic and sometimes I like revisiting the posts, myself, to be reminded of various trips and events.
My past blogs were way more chatty than this one has been so far, and has given a lot more insight into what is going on in my life, personally. I am debating on whether or not I will get into that, more personal style of blogging again and maybe I'll get into that in another post but in the meantime, I've decided to revisit some of my more popular posts from my 'ol Wordpress blog and give them a new life, here.
This post on the Einstein cafe in Berlin has been getting a bit of interest lately. I would love to go back there, that strudel was amazing!
Original post found here.

The Einstein Cafe in Stammhaus in Berlin is an Austrian style cafe made famous for many things over the years, particularly for it’s elite guests and residents. Silent film stars died here and politicians once lived and dined here. More recently, the cafe is made famous by this scene in Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Inglourious Basterds’:

The most amazing apple strudel and vanilla cream sauce.

This hot chocolate was actually shocking, it was that good. A pitcher of pure melted chocolate and cream with a huge blob of whipped cream on the side.

A beautiful latte.
From our photos above you can see we had the Apple Strudel, which was quite different than the one shown in the film, but the most delicious version of any apple pie or strudel I’ve ever had.
The Einstein Cafe has a few branches around Berlin, but this location is at: Kurfürstenstraße 58 10785 Berlin.